Float Glass

We’d like to introduce you to the birthing process that brings our standard float glass to life. Before all the fancy stuff is done to turn our glass into high performance technology, it needs to undergo this more basic process – just becoming float glass.

Bulk Processing

Of course, float glass isn’t the only kind of stock sheet there is. Plenty of our product does go out the door as float glass, but we also have a few more tricks up our sleeve when it comes to getting the most out of this amazing material. 

From the starting point of plain float glass, we can create a whole range of different stock sheets with different properties and effects.  But a few more things need to happen to it first. In all cases, these “bulk processed” products are stock sheets which can be subsequently cut to the sizes and shapes needed for specific applications. Along with bulk float glass, these products are the feedstock for all of our glass processing sites and bulk glass customers, so the quality of the finished item literally begins here…  Think of it like an artist's canvas.

Custom Processing

We are able to create glass that is specifically designed to suit your space and your needs. From glass that gives you greater thermal insulation to glass that doesn’t break into sharp shards – our custom processes can make it happen.

Treatments & Post Applications

We like to think of this as the icing on the cake – the finishing touches in the form of applied treatments and additions to the glass that can be added to enhance its performance in use.